Status fields:
creation_ts: | 2011-02-07 22:14 |
component: | threads |
version: | default branch |
rep_platform: | All |
op_sys: | Linux |
bug_status: | RESOLVED |
resolution: | WORKSFORME |
reporter: | |
I'm not sure how helpful this bug report is, so just delete it if it's not. I run java charting/trading software with Icedtea6/CACAO and it works pretty well, except that every few hours it will crash with java: jvm.cpp:3254: java_handle_objectarray_t* JVM_GetAllThreads(JNIEnv*, java_handle_t*): Assertion `h != __null' failed I've found no way to reliably reproduce it. Memory usage does not seem to be an issue. % java -version java version "1.6.0_20" IcedTea Runtime Environment (1.10pre) (Exherbo) CACAO (build 1.1.0pre2, compiled mode) % uname -a Linux shuttle #7 PREEMPT Fri Dec 31 00:11:18 EST 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Thanks for the bug report. I'm doing some work in this area right now, and I've also seen some similar failures. I'm very confident that it won't take too long to fix this.
Hi Eric, could you maybe try to reproduce this with a current build of icedtea6. My recent thread handling work has been integrated, and I believe (hope) that this should not happen any longer.